DevOps & Automation

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DevOps & Automation

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices that helps organizations deliver software faster and more reliably. By automating the software delivery process, DevOps teams can ship code changes more frequently, with less risk.
DevOps is a culture shift that puts collaboration and communication between developers and operations teams at the forefront. The goal of DevOps is to speed up the software delivery process while reducing errors and improving quality.
Some of the most common DevOps automation tools include Puppet, Chef, Ansible, and SaltStack. These tools help teams manage infrastructure as code, which means they can automate tasks like provisioning servers, configuring networking, and managing deployments.

Why does it matter?

As the world of technology continues to evolve, so do the ways in which we develop and deploy software. DevOps is a term that encompasses the entire process of software development, from coding to deployment.
Automation is a key part of DevOps, as it helps to speed up the process and remove errors. By automating repetitive tasks, developers can focus on more important things, such as writing code and fixing bugs.
But why does all this matter? DevOps is important because it helps to improve the quality of software, while also reducing the time it takes to get new features or updates out to users. In other words, DevOps can help you release better software, faster.
There are many other benefits of DevOps too, such as increased collaboration between teams, better communication, and more consistent processes. But at its core, DevOps is all about improving the quality and speed of software development.

How Automation helps

One of the core benefits of DevOps is that it helps to automate many of the tasks and processes that are typically carried out manually. This can help to improve efficiency and speed up delivery times, as well as reducing the chances of human error.
Automation can also help to improve communication and collaboration between different teams within an organization, as well as reducing the need for manual coordination. Automation can also allow for more consistent and repeatable deployments, which can further reduce errors.

What are the benefits to DevOps and Automation?

There are many benefits to DevOps and automation. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can help speed up the software development process by automating repetitive tasks. Additionally, automating the build process can help ensure that builds are reproducible and consistent. Automation can also help reduce errors and improve quality control throughout the software development process.
Another key benefit of DevOps and automation is that it can help improve communication and collaboration between developers and operations teams. By automating tasks and workflows, developers and ops teams can focus on more strategic tasks rather than spending time on manual, repetitive tasks. This improved communication can lead to a more efficient workflow and ultimately a faster release cycle.
Finally, DevOps and automation can help reduce costs associated with the software development process. By automating tasks, organizations can save money on labor costs associated with manual processes. Additionally, automating testing and quality assurance processes can also lead to cost savings by reducing the need for rework or fixing bugs further down the line.

How can you get started on your own journey to DevOps?

The first step is to get started is to understand what DevOps is and how it can help your organization. There are several resources available online and in books that can help with this. Once you have a good understanding of DevOps, you need to start looking at how you can implement it within your own organization.
There are a few key areas that you need to focus on when implementing DevOps:

  • Continuous integration and delivery: This are the process of automating the build, test and deployment of code changes. This allows developers to work in small batches and get feedback quickly on their code changes.
  • Infrastructure as code: This means treating your infrastructure (servers, networks, etc.) as code that can be versioned, reviewed and deployed using the same processes as your application code.
  • Automated testing: This helps ensure that code changes do not break existing functionality and catch errors early.
  • Monitoring and logging: This provide visibility into the system so that issues can be identified quickly and fixed before they cause outages or performance problems.


Overall, DevOps is a great way to improve your software development process and make it more efficient. Automation is a key part of DevOps, and by using the right tools, you can make your software development process much smoother. If you’re looking for ways to improve your software development process, consider implementing DevOps and Blocbelt’s team would be glad to assist you on this.

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